Contemporary Japanese Houses, 1985-2005
2005 12.8-2006 2.25
Contemporary Japanese Houses, 1985-2005
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Thursday, December 8, 2005 - Saturday, February 25, 2006
Close on Sun.Mon.Holidays
Admission Free.

GALLERY·MA, which takes its name from the Japanese term for an interval in time or space, began its activities in October 1985 as a gallery specializing in architecture and design and celebrates its 20th anniversary this year. In that 20-year interval, it has held 112 exhibitions, mainly one-person shows of architects and designers, and broadened the scope of its activities to include the organization of traveling exhibitions that tour a network of places throughout Japan and the publication of the collected works of exhibitors. At GALLERY·MA, exhibitors are asked to design the exhibition of their work. They have used this opportunity to send messages through, not only their work, but the design of space itself. The messages have been impressive for their diversity and depth.
They demonstrate the power of the imagination and the ideas of individuals engaged in the creation of something new in architecture or design. A single individual can challenge society and the world. Many visitors have been moved by or felt sympathetic toward the aim of the exhibitions because the exhibitions so clearly reveal the essence of creation. GALLERY·MA hopes to maintain such activities and to continue to make known to a wider audience the luminous messages of individual architects and designers.
To mark its 20th anniversary, GALLERY·MA is holding an exhibition and lectures and issuing an accompanying commemorative publication. The house has long been regarded as the origin of architecture. Houses are much more than just dwellings; they are splendid crystallizations of ideals, ideas and images of architects intent on exploring the potential of architecture. For that reason, we have chosen to survey the houses that have been designed during the 20 years of our own existence and to consider once more the question of what can be discovered through houses. In the past, the masters of modern architecture gave concrete expression to new architectural ideals through houses; what messages are architects trying to communicate through houses today? We hope that this exhibition and lectures will give rise to a new discussion of architecture.
Finally, this exhibition would not have been possible without the help we received from many different quarters. We would like to express our deep gratitude to the architects who presented works for the exhibition, university volunteers who prepared models and drawings, and all those who gave us their support and cooperation.

December 2005

Twenty years of houses means twenty years of houses since Silver Hut. The project began with us sorting through 20 years' worth of back numbers of architectural magazines. There are many things that become obvious when time is compressed in this way. Houses that are radiant, houses that enable us to discover them, houses that invigorate us when we experience them--from what sort of background will they come? What kinds of houses will transcend the fact that they are houses and give what so-called "Architecture" a jolt? To think about the exhibition is to think about the answers to such questions and is exciting work.
Kazuhiro Kojima

The houses presented here all remain fresh; it does not feel as if we are looking at houses of the last 20 years. That is amazing yet at the same time to be expected. After all, these are houses that have transcended the framework of houses and achieved universality. That fact may provide those who think about houses in the future with a guiding principle. The exhibition is intended to be an examination of these houses from today's perspective.
Manabu Chiba

Gallery 1
View from the entrance

© Nacasa and Partners
Gallery 1
1:30 sectional models fixed into the acrylic board

© Nacasa and Partners
1:100 external models are displayed in the walls.
1:200 site models are scattered on the floor.

© Nacasa and Partners
View from the opposite end.
Excellent night view with lighting.

© Nacasa and Partners
Gallery 2
1:30 external appearances are seen from the other side of sectional models fixed into the acrylic board.

© Nacasa and Partners
Gallery 2
1:30 sectional models' interior can be seen.

© Nacasa and Partners

Kazuhiro Kojima, Manabu Chiba

Takeshi Ishido, Satoru Komaki,
Masayuki Fuchigami

Ando Tadao, Kawakami Motomi, Kurokawa Masayuki, Sugimoto Takashi

Organized by

Tokyo Society of Architects & Buildig Engineers / Tokyo Association of Architectural Firms / Kanto-Koushin'etsu Chapter, the Japan Institute of Architects / Kanto Chapter, Architectural Institute of Japan

Plan & Models Directed by
Noriaki Hayakawa, Daisuke Kamiryo, Hiroshi Kinoshita, Kayoko Sakashita, Yusuke Matsumoto

Special Supported by

Supported by

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