Human rights awareness activities
The TOTO Group has established the "TOTO Group Business Conduct Guidelines" so that employees can regularly check examples of behavior in line with the "TOTO Group Business Conduct Guidelines".
The TOTO Group Business Conduct Guidelines, which outline the conduct expected of TOTO employees and include the TOTO Group Corporate Philosophy, top commitment, and various guidelines for conduct, were drawn up in FY2013 (translated into 13 languages) and distributed to all Group Companies so as to ensure awareness among TOTO Group employees in every country and region.
The guidelines include a compliance guide on "Respect for Human Rights" and "Prohibition of Harassment" as one of the important compliance items in promoting corporate activities.
Furthermore, in Japan, the TOTO Group holds training sessions on human rights for all employees every year, which had approximately 18,000 attendants in FY 2023.
Prohibition of Harassment
The TOTO Group strives to eradicate any harassment, including sexual harassment, abuse of authority, and harassment related to pregnancy, childbirth, childcare leave, nursing care leave, etc.
The compliance guidelines for the Prohibition of Harassment are included in the TOTO Group Business Conduct Guidelines to foster ethical behavior by employees and improve compliance awareness.
The TOTO Group also has a consultation service in place to ensure the appropriate response depending on the issue and situation. We strive to eradicate any harassment that adversely affects our workplace environment.
Human Rights Due Diligence
Process to identify and mitigate risks
The TOTO Group participates in the "United Nations Global Compact," and refers to the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and a variety of other international standards.
Upon promoting human-rights due diligence, we consult the Worldwide Governance Indicators (WGI) to recognize risks in individual countries and risks by type of business in an effort to be aware of human-rights risks in each region surrounding the TOTO Group.
In addition, the identification of potential human-rights risks of TOTO Groups has been conducting in reference to the results of a dialogue with external experts and Human Rights Due Diligence Workshop (Stakeholder Engagement Programme) which is based on Human Rights Issues by Sector (Version 12) ※1 hosted by the Caux Round Table.
Currently, based on these efforts, we assess, reduce, and mitigate potential human-rights risks among the employees of the TOTO Group and its supply chain.
※1 Human Rights Issues by Sector (Version 12) were formulated at the consortium by reference to the Human Rights Guidance Tool formulated by the UNEP FI (Finance Initiative). In this program, the possibility was recognized of specific concerns within our company and its supply chain with regard to human-rights issues in the chemical and building-materials industries
[Potential human-rights risks among TOTO Group’s employees]
The TOTO Group annually implements an Employee Awareness Survey of its employees in order to comprehensively know about the penetration of its corporate philosophy and organizational culture related to compliance. This Survey has identified such potential human-rights risks as harassment, forced labor, and discrimination.In addition, the results of the Employee Awareness Survey are analyzed, and training for prevention is provided for managers and non-management employees.In addition, employee awareness survey results are shared at corporate meetings and on the intranet and we endeavor to improve employee awareness across the entire workplace by providing feedback to each department.
[Potential human-rights risks among supply chain]
The TOTO Group implements sustainable procurement . Upon promoting sustainable procurement, we have compiled the Supplier Code of Conduct as the basic way of thinking in addressing the realization of a sustainable society with suppliers. And by conducting questionnaire surveys and on-site audits, we assess, mitigate, and reduce potential risks, aiming at continuously enhancing the level of these activities.
We conduct audits and enhance our management system for the suppliers as high verification priority are identified as high in light of the risks by country and industry and our impacts.