(Special Edition) Chance Favors the Prepared Mind
Published: September 2023
Unit price: 5,610JPY (tax included)
Author: Tezzo Nishizawa

This is a limited edition of the book, featuring five different cover designs. The content is the same as the standard edition. Available only at Bookshop TOTO.

250×190mm, 264pages, Japanese/English
Description of contents
This book is the first to present the collected works of architect Tezzo Nishizawa, known for his designs of art exhibitions as well as museums and residences. Introducing thirty projects in these three genres, the book begins with a series of photographs that illustrate the unique perspective and philosophy linking these works, followed by detailed plans and commentaries on each project. In his postscript, the architect touches on the relationship between exhibition layouts and architectural design, as well the reasons for his interest in collaborative design. The images and drawings on these pages richly reveal the exquisite architectural methodology and thought that sustain Nishizawa's work.
Look inside
Tezzo Nishizawa
Born in 1974. Earned a master’s degree in architecture at Tokyo University of the Arts in 2000. Worked from 2000 to 2005 at Jun Aoki and Associates before founding Tezzo Nishizawa Architects in 2007. Since 2023 he has been a specially appointed professor of design and architecture at Kyoto Institute of Technology. His many projects include Renovation of Collection Galleries: In celebration of the 60th anniversary of The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo (Tokyo, 2012, in collaboration with Noriko Nagayama); exhibition designs for “Reading Cinema, Finding Words: Art after Marcel Broodthaers” (Tokyo, 2014), “Re: play 1972/2015 – Restaging ‘Expressionin Film’72’” (Tokyo, 2015), and designs for art museums and cultural facilities including the Kyoto City KYOCERA Museum of Art renewal project (Kyoto, 2019, in collaboration with Jun Aoki and Associates) and the Hachinohe Art Museum (Aomori, 2021, in collaboration with Yoshihide Asaco and Junpei Mori). He has received numerous awards, among them the 8th Kyoto Prize for Architecture, 2021 Architectural Institute of Japan Prize (Architectural Design), 2020 JIA Japan Architecture Grand Prix, 30th AACA Award, and 62nd Mainichi Arts Award, for the Kyoto City KYOCERA Museum of Art; and the 2022 JIA Japan Architecture Grand Prix and 43rd Tohoku Architecture Award, for the Hachinohe Art Museum.
Renovation of Collection Galleries and Entrance Hall, The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo
Kyoto City KYOCERA Museum of Art
Hachinohe Art Museum

Case of Nagara
Case of Nishinomiya
Case of Room 907
Scenes in a corner apartment
House / millegraph

Architectural Creation: Peter Märkli and Jun Aoki
Waiting for Video: Works from the 1960s to Today
BABA Noboru Exhibit “The Eleven Cats” Come to the Museum Nyago! Nyago! Nyago!
PAUL KLEE: Art in the Making 1883–1940
Undressing Paintings: Japanese Nudes 1880–1945
Kon Wajiro Retrospective
Reading Cinema, Finding Words: Art after Marcel Broodthaers
Re: play 1972/2015 ‒ Restaging “Expression in Film ’72”
Onchi Koshiro
endless: The Paintings of Yamada Masaaki
Windowology 10th Anniversary Exhibition: The World through the Window
Syncopation: Contemporary encounters with the Modern Masters
The Window: A Journey of Art and Architecture through Windows
Windowology: New Architectural Views from Japan
Art As It Is: Expression from the Obscure
Connections: 150 Years of Modern Art in Japan and France
100 Years of Mingei: The Folk Crafts Movement
Roni Horn: When You See Your Reflection in Water, Do You Recognize the Water in You?
Hachinohe Art Museum Opening “Gift, Gift,”
Light as Medium: The TOP Collection
Kyoto City KYOCERA Museum of Art 1st Anniversary Exhibition
Morimura Yasumasa: My Self-Portraits as a Theater of Labyrinths

Postscript Tezzo Nishizawa