Terunobu Fujimori
Published: June 2020
Unit price: 13,200JPY (tax included)
Author: Terunobu Fujimori
Photographer: Akihisa Masuda

295×300mm, 336pages, Japanese/English
Description of contents
This publication is the definitive architectural monograph of Terunobu Fujimori, who has been active across architectural history, ROJO street observation, and architectural design. This comprehensive monograph traces from his "Jinchokan Moriya Historical Museum" architectural debut, which shocked the world, to the most recent "La Collina, Omihachiman" project and presents projects through Fujimori’s texts and sketches and Akihisa Matsuda’s photographs. The book also introduces the design and construction of "Wooden Monocoque," which was invented in response to increased international commissions after Fujimori’s 2006 Venice Architectural Biennale exhibition. Essays by Shinbo Minami and the late Genpei Akasegawa are also included.
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Terunobu Fujimori
Fujimori was born in 1946 and completed the Doctoral course at the University of Tokyo. He is currently the Director of the Edo-Tokyo Museum, Professor emeritus of the University of Tokyo, and Specially appointed professor at Kougakuin University. He is a well-respected academic and a specialist in modern Japanese architectural history and urban history, but in 1991, at the age of 45, Fujimori made a late debut as an architect with the Jinchokan Moriya Historical Museum. Since then, he has been incorporating a range of natural materials from various local regions into his projects, and designing architecture that integrates nature and artifacts. Sometimes the Jomon-Group, which consists of non-professionals, participates in the construction of projects. His major works include Tanpopo House (Dandelion House), Nira House (Leek House), Takasugi-an (Too-High Teahouse), and others. His recent works include the Mosaic Tile Museum in the City of Tajimi, and Kusayane (Grass Roof) and Douyane (Copper Roof) for La Collina Omihachiman.

From Historical Research and Street Observation to Architectural Design—Terunobu Fujimori

Jinchokan Moriya Historical Museum
Tanpopo House (Dandelion house)
Nira House (Leek House) + Shin-ken (Firewood Tearoom)

Top of the Roof-Genpei Akasegawa

Akino Fuku Art Museum/Bouku-rou Teahouse
Ipponmatsu House (Lone Pine House)
The Forum + Tan-ken (Charcoal Tearoom)
Student Dormitory for Kumamoto Agricultural College
Akasegawa Tomb/Niwase Tomb
Tsubaki Castle (Camellia Castle)
Futo-an Kobo (Futo-an Workshop)/Ichiya-tei (One-Night Teahouse)
Ku-an (Right Angle Teahouse)
Takasugi-an (Too-High Teahouse)/Flying Mud Boat/Hikusugi-an (Too-Low Teahouse)

The Delightful Architecture of Terunobu Fujimori—Shinbo Minami

Yoro Konchukan (Yoro Insects Museum)
Lamune Onsen (Lamune Hot Spring House)
Gen-an (Foyer Tearoom) / Winter Room in Takabe
Architecture of Terunobu Fujimori and ROJO
Chashitsu-Tetsu (Teahouse Tetsu)
Nemunoki Children's Museum of Art
Yakisugi House (Charred Cedar House) + Shou-ken (Pine Tearoom)
Coal House + Chashitsu-Gen (Tearoom Gen)
Chocolate House + Myokan/Zinc House
Vegetable City
Roof House
Teahouse "A bientôt"
Walking Café
Hamamatsu House
Shinsho-ji Shodo (Pine Hall)
La Collina Omihachiman

  • Kusayane (Grass Roof)
  • Douyane (Copper Roof)
  • Kurihyappon (100 Chestnut Trees)
  • Kusakairou (Grass Corridor)
Mosaic Tile Museum
Sencha (Tank Teahouse)
Shirokane House

Wooden Monocoque
  • Beetle's House, Maison 4 1/2, House of Yakisugi and Rope, Human Nest Maldives, Black Teahouse, Teahouse in the Barbican, Tree Teahouse, Sun Moon Cha, Wang-Bei Teahouse, Routou-ken, Bihi-tei, Flying House, Cross Chapel

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