Akihisa HIRATA Discovering New
Akihisa HIRATA Discovering New
Published: May 2018
Unit price: 4,730JPY (tax included)
Author: Akihisa Hirata

280pages, Japanese/English
Description of contents
This collection features 23 pivotal works by architect Akihisa Hirata, who has been refining his own style by creating such acclaimed pieces as the Art Museum and Library, Ota. The presented works include housing complexes, composite facilities, and furniture dating from his early years to the present and exhibited with numerous photos and detailed drawings. Hirata also wrote a new concept statement for this collection where he expounds on his theory of architecture, according to which, architecture should actively incorporate the order of nature. With this volume, the reader will have a good grasp of Hirata’s art, who always offers something fresh and new in the field of architecture.
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Discovering New Form

Taipei Complex / Foam Form / Coil / Kamaishi Project
Gallery S / Architecture Farm / Tree-ness House

Discovering New Nature

Alp / House of House / One-roof Apartment / Higashi-Totsuka Church / House H
Masuya / Bloomberg Pavilion / Photosynthesis / Long House / 9hours Project

Discovering New Commitment

Taipei Roofs / Museum Forest of “Hill Valley” / Overlap House / Sarugaku
Art Museum & Library, Ota / Itsukushima Roof

Afterword: Toward the Intelligence of the Jungle

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