Published: November 2017
Unit price: 4,730JPY (tax included)
Editorial Supervision: Etsuko Watari, The Watari Museum of Contemporary Art
Cooperation: Instituo Lina Bo e P.M. Bardi

250×190mm(B5 modifier), 288pages, Japanese/English
Description of contents
The most important thing for an architect is not to construct well but to know how the majority of the folk live...
A long-awaited selection of works by Lina Bo Bardi, a major figure in the modernization and democratization of Brazilian architecture. The book contains attractive photos and rare, privately owned sketches, among other content, and offers an overview of Bo Bardi's wide range of creations. A discussion between Kazuyo Sejima and Yoshiharu Tsukamoto, two architects influenced by Bo Bardi, is also included.
Look inside

Preface: Andre CORREA DO LAGO

Architectural Works

The Glass House
São Paulo Art Museum
SESC-Pompéia Factory Leisure Center
Santa Maria dos Anjos Chapel
Historic Center of Salvador
Oficina Theater
Valéria P.Cirell’s Home
Solar do Unhao—Popular Art Museum
Espirito Santo do Cerrado Church
São Paulo City Hall

Around the Architecture

Furniture Design
Stage and Theater Design
Botanical Design
City Planning
Lina in Japan
Interview Kazuyo Sejima & Yoshiharu Tsukamoto

The Life of Lina Bo Bard

Literary Curriculum by Lina Bo Bardi

Afterword: Etsuko Watari
Data on Works
Architectural Works Map
Bibliography, Sources, Credits