Over the millions of years since the earth first came into being, an enormous variety of living creatures have evolved on the planet, including human beings, and have formed links and connections with one another. This biodiversity and the manifold benefits that it has brought support our lives and lifestyles. If we are to continue to enjoy the blessings of biodiversity in the future, all of us-every member of society-will need to work together to protect biodiversity. Business enterprises have an important role to play here too in their capacity as corporate citizens.
TOTO Group has placed the common global challenge of environmental problems distinctly as an issue to be resolved through business and have established Global Environmental Policy to contribute in creating a sustainable society. Through conducting business activities in line with the policy, we take care to preserve biodiversity, and a sustainable use of them, and at the same time not to engage in activities that may lead to the extinction of endangered species.
[ Global Environmental Policy ]
4.We promote the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity.
The destruction of nature resulting from business activities is avoided and biodiversity is preserved.
We procure raw materials in each country in such a way that we do not harm the local environment and biodiversity.
Collaborating and cooperating with stakeholders, we contribute to building society that cultivates biodiversity.
Toward the Realization of a Society in Harmony with Nature
The TOTO Group recognizes that its operations are inherently dependent on and impact various aspects of biodiversity.We view the loss of biodiversity and the collapse of ecosystems as significant business risks and opportunities.In response, we have endorsed the principles of the Taskforce on Naturerelated Financial Disclosures (TNFD) and joined the TNFD Forum to support its activities.
Participation in the Keidanren Initiative for Biodiversity Conservation
The TOTO Group agrees with the Keidanren Declaration on Biodiversity (revised version), which expresses the commitment to biodiversity conservation, and participates in the Keidanren Initiative for Biodiversity Conservation.
Sustainable Raw Material Procurement Standards were established in 2010. The procurement of earth and stone raw materials and wood materials, from which our staple products are made, is regarded as an critical issue to consider. These standards are specified and published in the Guidelines for Green Procurement. In addition to human rights, labor and compliance, we take into consideration the effects on the environment and ecosystem in the places where our raw materials are produced, as we pursue the appropriate balance between the sustainable use of resources and stable procurement and push forward with sustainable procurement in cooperation with suppliers.
Standards for Sustainable Raw Material Procurement:
(i) Raw materials produced in compliance with the laws and regulations of the place of origin.
(ii) Raw materials produced in a working environment where safety and hygiene are properly provided.
(iii) Raw materials whose impacts on the local environment and biodiversity are taken into consideration.
(iv) Respect for the human rights of workers and local residents at the source.
For earth and stone raw materials used to produce ceramic sanitary ware, we confirm the legality and sustainability at all mines by conducting a questionnaire survey or an interview through trading companies that includes questions asking about compliance with the standards specified by TOTO at least once every three years. The questions include whether forests are restored after completion of mining and whether efforts are made to prevent mining and tailings from polluting rivers and lakes. In 2023, it was confirmed that all surveyed mines met TOTO’s standards.
We will aim at maintaining 100% achievement of compliance with the TOTO standards in fiscal 2024.
FY2024 Target : Achievement rate of compliance with the TOTO standards 100%
Initiatives for keeping rivers clean (Standard item)
As an initiative for keeping rivers clean, TOTO also monitors sedimentation reservoirs to ensure that the clear water above the sediment is discharged into the river.
Build a reservoir and release the clear water sitting above the sediment into the river.
A settling reservoir
Reforestation after mining activity has ceased
We conduct tree-planting activities in completed mine areas to regenerate forests.
Mining site
Illegal logging and excessive logging of forests is a major cause of loss of forests, leading to loss of biodiversity.
The TOTO Group basically handles timber and timber products that have been certified as legal. Based on the Japanese Forestry Agency's "Guidelines for certifying legality and sustainability of timber and timber products,"we survey information necessary for traceability regarding the wood materials to be procured (country of origin, commercial distribution, legality certification, etc.) every year. In addition, we have set a target value for the ratio of legal materials and recycled materials to the amount of wood materials used for the products we produce, and confirm the actual values.
Since 2017, we have maintained the ratio of legal and recycled lumber at 100% and aim at maintaining it in fiscal 2024 as well.
FY2024 Target : Composition of Legal materials + recycled materials 100%
Recycle materials:Wood based materials that are made from wood that has been used once, wood that has not been used, or that has been discarded.
The global-scale climate change and expanding water demand by population growth have caused serious shortage and depletion of water resources in various regions, possibly leading to an impact on water consumption in our business activities.
As a large quantity of water is used in the production processes, we strive to capture water stress of all the production site regiones to lead to effective responses. The evaluation method complies with the GRI (Global Reporting Initiative). We assess the water stress and water depletion of each production site regiones using Aqueduct, which was developed by the World Resources Institute and Water Risk Filter by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), to identify those under water stress.
Seven production site regiones, which are in Mexico, mainland China, India, and Thailand, were assessed as extremely high water stress regiones. We work on investigating further and coming up with measures for those site regiones based on the results.
We also implement the following measures to respond to water stress.
As one of initiatives at business sites, ceramic sanitary ware plants treat drainage from production processes in each drainage treatment facility located there and reuse part of the treated drainage in production processes and washing water in toilet. (Headquarters, Kokura Factory No. 1, TOTO India Industries Pvt. Ltd. ,TOTO (Thailand) Co., Ltd., TOTO MEXICO, S.A.DE.C.V., etc.)
As an example of us "avoiding the destruction of the natural environment caused by our business activities, and endeavoring to preserve biodiversity," we conducted an environmental impact assessment on the wastewater used in production at the Kokura No. 2 Plant, where the main focus of production is fittings.
This involved conducting an impact assessment on aquatic organisms, namely Green algae (Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata), Daphnia (Ceriodaphnia dubia) and Zebra fish (Danio rerio), by means of an effluent test method using biological responses (proposal for consideration)※1 in collaboration with the Mitsubishi Chemical Medience Corporation (currently LSI Medience Corporation). Rather than the traditional method of evaluating individual chemical substances, this technique enables a holistic assessment of the combined effects of a variety of chemical substances. The results of the assessment confirmed that the potential for any chronic effect on aquatic organisms appears to be extremely minimal.
※Testing method for effluent using bioresponse (proposal): A trial test method for identifying the overall extent of the impact of effluent from business premises on aquatic organisms. Put together in March 2013 by the Bioassay and Technical Review Subcommittee for the Management of Effluent (Environmental Water), which had been established by the National Institute for Environmental Studies as a contract service provider for the Ministry of the Environment.
TOTO Group Rules for Facilities Management stipulates that we will prevent environmental destruction, disasters and accidents caused by the facilities from occurring by properly managing their lifecycle from installation, operation to disposal; work to secure safety of employees and related parties and protect the environment of surrounding areas; and maintain and improve soundness of business activities, in addition to compliance with facility-related laws and ordinances.
Based on the Rules, TOTO applies the Facility Management System to all Group companies and repeat a PDCA cycle in the planning, implementation, operation, repair/improvement and disposal processes.
TOTO aims to be a company that contributes to the development of society by creating an enriched and more comfortable lifestyle and culture built on its plumbing products. Conservation of the natural environmental, including the water environment, is essential for both the sustainable development of society and the business continuity of a company. For this reason, we promote environmental contribution activities involving communities and society from a biodiversity standpoint. For example, we implement water resource recycling and conservation, as well as activities for the preservation of forests, which are the sources of water.
Since fiscal 2005, the TOTO Water Environment Fund has been providing support for citizen's initiatives under the theme of "Creating a New Culture for Life and Water" with the aim of working together with society to create a better society.
Besides providing financial support in the form of sponsorship, the TOTO Water Environment Fund also uses the participation of TOTO Group employees as volunteers in related events, and the exchange of ideas and information, to achieve a steady, continuing expansion in the scope of its activities.
Result in FY2023
Japan | Overseas |
・Number of trees planted to protect ・Area improved: 50.248 ha ・Number of exterminated alien species : ・Amount of plants removed: 258 kg ・Number of participants in environmental education: 9,324 | ・Number of trees planted to protect ・Installed/repaired toilets: 17 ・Water tank facilities built in 1 locations ・Installing 1 hand wash basin |
Waste | |
・Amount of waste collected for preservation of water environment and landscape: 33.6t |
Initiatives at Overseas Group Companies
The TOTO Group promotes social contribution activities by the overseas Group companies. Tree-planting activities are regularly conducted, which not only contributes to protection of the environment but also to raising employees’ and their family members’ awareness of the protection.
Activities in fiscal 2023
Number of TOTO employees participated: 20
Number of TOTO employees participated: 17
Number of TOTO employees participated: 60
Number of TOTO employees participated: 94
Number of TOTO employees participated: 50