Our Founders’ Wisdom The wisdom of TOTO’s founders has guided us from the beginning and will forever serve to inspire our innovation and challenging spirit.
  • Protection is the same as retreat
    One of Toyo Toki Founders Magobe Okura
    Magobe Okura established the Ceramic sanitary ware laboratory at Nippon Toki with his oldest son, Kazuchika, in 1912 to begin research into sanitary ware. These words symbolize the passionate belief of Magobe about the importance of driving forward with an enterprising spirit.
  • Creating good people before creating good products is ideal
    Second TOTO President Saburo Momoki
    Saburo Momoki was appointed President in 1939 at a time of war. Saburo continued to fight with all of his might to not lose the independence of management as the controlled economy was growing stronger. These words describe how he valued humanity over technical training.
  • Eccentric as well as disruptive people are necessary
    Seventh TOTO President Shuichi Sugihara
    Shuichi Sugihara was an aeronautical engineer who joined Toyo Toki after the war and was assigned to the Fitting Department. Shuichi launched a manifesto for junior employees that stated, "Talking about eccentric ideas is important. First, someone disruptive is necessary."
  • Understand what users want for better products at a lower price
    Eighth TOTO President Hayato Kurokawa
    1976 brought the announcement of the third Five Year Plan during an ongoing downturn caused by the oil shock. President Hayato Kurokawa spoke these words to transition the ideas of employees to a new direction and promote action.
  • Burning passion and thorough speculation develops new products
    Nineth TOTO President Katsuji Yamada
    President Katsuji Yamada indicated the severity of competition in new product development in the industry with these words in the special edition of Toyu internal corporate magazine in 1984. This required cooperation between sales, development, and manufacturing.
  • Employee welfare will not improve without corporate growth
    Tenth TOTO President Hiroshi Shirakawa
    TOTO was on the verge of a management crisis due to a labor dispute that lasted for 100 days just after the end of the war in 1948. Routes for cooperation between labor and management, which were learned from this experience, were forged as the basic philosophy under President Hiroshi Shirakawa.
  • Anything can be accomplished if everyone gives their best with solidarity through cooperation and trust.
    11th TOTO President Yoshine Koga
    These words promoted and expanded Total Quality Control (TQC) throughout the entire company after being awarded the Deming Prize. Yoshine Koga strengthened the corporate structure toward achieving a corporate philosophy.