Our Founders’ Wisdom The wisdom of TOTO’s founders has guided us from the beginning and will forever serve to inspire our innovation and challenging spirit.
Morimura Gumi Founder Ichizaemon Morimura

Yukichi Fukuzawa's words, "commerce is vital to a sovereign nation," resonated with Ichizaemon Morimura, and he sent his beloved younger brother, Toyo, alone to America. Shortly thereafter, Toyo communicated his confidence in ceramic ware as a powerful product. Together with Kazuchika Okura, Ichizaemon ventured into the ceramics manufacturing business. An approach which contributed to a nation filled his life with integrity.

A person must always lend

A person must always lend to both individuals and to companies.
One should give more than they receive. This is equal to giving to god. If a person works with these beliefs, they will surely be rewarded someday.

Without frank words, business will not prosper

Without frank words, business cannot prosper because it is conducted behind other's backs. People who speak frankly are fundamentally direct as well as kind, and this job cannot be done without loyal people.
People in this ordinary world all speak with only heartless pleasantries. One should be so frank as to always make sure even their eyes do not lie.
Only then can a person be considered kind and loyal.

  • Bound export ledger
    Morimura Gumi records when exporting product primarily to America The date of the shipment, the name of the ship for transport, the manufacturer of the product, the geometry, the design, the cost, and the quantity are all recorded within.
  • Toyo Morimura
    (Picture: Right Ichizaemon; Toyo)
    Toyo, Ichizaemon's brother, traveled to America alone in 1876 after studying at Keio University. Toyo struggled long and hard for the success in founding a local Morimura Brother's company to build a foundation of prosperity thereafter.