Our Founders’ Wisdom The wisdom of TOTO’s founders has guided us from the beginning and will forever serve to inspire our innovation and challenging spirit.
Fifth TOTO President Magoemon Ezoe

Magoemon Ezoe, who had joined Nippon Toki in 1909 succeeded in manufacturing a 24 centimeter pure white dinner plate, which a team of engineers at the company had been unable to do. Kazuchika Okura trusted Magoemon Ezoe deeply and appointed him President of NGK Insulators specialty Japanese ceramics business. Magoemon was entrusted with the management of TOTO, which had fallen into ruin due to labor disputes after the war. However, Magoemon succeed in re-building the company by requiring strict adherence at the company to the Quality and Uniformity motto.

Even a single defect is seen as 100% defective by the user

If one product is defective out of a lot of one thousand, the company sees this as no more than 0.1% defective. However, from the standpoint of the user who buys a single defective plug, it is 100% defective.
Products lacking uniformity should not be sold when even one defective item is unforgivable.

The first principle must be to take pride in your work and strive to do your best

The first principle required by each person is the prosperity of the company. Every person in ceramics contributes to the prosperity of our company by undergoing their duties unified with everyone in the business and accomplishing the tasks of their work in good faith. Believing in the ideal and philosophy that this prosperity will directly return to everyone engaged in ceramics is vital. "Take pride in your work and strive to do your best" outlines a philosophy consistent with the belief that there is no prosperity if the company is not prosperous.

  • Toyu
    Toyu is an internal corporate magazine published in 1946. The company helmed by Magoemon Ezoe as President and the beliefs of our predecessors can be seen in the words at the beginning of the edition celebrating the 30th anniversary of the company.
  • Company Mottos
    Our Company Mottos were formulated during Magoemon Ezoe's tenure as President around the three pillars of "Quality and Uniformity", "Service and Trust", and "Cooperation and Prosperity" with the theme to "Take pride in your work and strive to do your best".