Gaetano Pesce

Some Works from 1969 to 1990

'91 Apr.5-May.7

Pesce's intertest extend to include a broad range of activities, from urban planning to interior and furniture design. Upon extering the exhibition, visitors are led unknowingly into his distinctive world. Twenty objects fill the indoor and outdoor segments of the gallery. The exhibition includes a diverse range of furniture made from polyurethane, wood interiors and apartments made of wood and urban design plans that combine both wood and urethane. Talking full advantage of the freedom, plasticity and magical colors that characterize plyurethane, these works lead us deep into the fascination world of Gaetano Pesce.
exhibition scene
Photo by Mitsumasa Fujitsuka
Lecture : Some Works from 1969 to 1990
          Tokyo : Apr.5
          Nagoya : Apr.8

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