1941 Born in Tokyo
1966 Graduated from Waseda University
Joined Takenaka Corporation, Design Dept. , Tokyo (-1977)
1967 Won First Prize, JA Annual Competition
1971 Master of Environmental Design, Graduate School of Achitecture,
Yale University
Joined Moshe Safdie and Associates, Montreal (-1972)
1976 Won Second Prize, International Competition for Design of Low Income
Community in Manila, Philippine
1978 Established Kunihiko Hayakawa Architect and Associates, Tokyo
Won Honarable Mention, International Competition for Design
of Pahlavi National Library in Iran
1983 Visiting Architect, School of Architecture, Waseda University
1984 Lecturer, Japan AIR-Project, Rotterdam
1985 Won Annual Award of the Japan Architect Association
1986 Won Honarable Mention, Competition for Design
of Shonandai Cultural Center in Fujisawa City
1992 Won the Japan Cultural Design Award
1994 Won the Prize of Architectural Institute of Japan (Design)