The TOTO Group aims to achieve zero industrial accidents and zero cases of occupational illness, and to create a comfortable work environment. The TOTO Group takes measures to prevent fire, storm and flood damage, and other disasters, and to minimize damage from disasters. Based on this policy, all the employees working at TOTO Group, and at contract companies located on our site in TOTO Group business sites are promoting the activities.
TOTO Group reflects the comprehensive objectives of the ILO Guidelines, in accordance with the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare's Industrial Safety and Health Management System Policy as the Health, Safety and Security Management System functions throughout the entire TOTO Group. This is an activity to expand the health, safety and security activities based on the TOTO Group Corporate Behavior Policy throughout the TOTO Group and to repeat the PDCA cycle to achieve the goals.
The Group also promotes health and safety initiatives in cooperation with third-party organizations, including participation in the SAFE Consortium of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.
To smoothly advance health and safety activities and to raise the standards, under the responsibility of the President and Representative Director, the TOTO Group has established the "Safety and Health and Security Central Committee" chaired by the Director and Executive Officer in charge of general affairs. This committee meets once every six months, and representatives of each business division and labor union participate in it, set annual group policies and basic measures, and strive to penetrate them to each business site. Twice a year, the Group holds a meeting for the members of the Safety and the Environment Section of each business site to discuss and exchange opinions on safety activities among the responsible members.
At each business site, representatives of labor and management participate in the monthly Safety and Health Committee, which reports on safety and health activities, deliberates, and decides on improvement measures. We are also working to instill and promote activities in the workplace through workplace safety and health personnel.
In addition, once a year, we report on the contents of the deliberation of the "Central Committee for Health and Safety and Security" at the Board of Directors, and the Directors confirm the promotion status of health, safety and security activities. Furthermore, we share and call attention to the status of work-related accidents and traffic accidents at the monthly Sales and Production Steering Meeting where the Directors and general managers participate.
Organization of Health, Safety and Security Management Systems
The TOTO Group obtains and operates ISO 45001 certification based on the judgment of business site in addition to the above health, safety and security management system.
【ISO45001 certification acquisition sites】
With a mechanism in place to monitor safety throughout the Group, a health and safety management department at the TOTO headquarters periodically audits the status of workplace safety, legal compliance management and others of each business site. This is an activity to check and improve "unsafe behavior" and dangerous conditions that can lead to disasters from human error at a manufacturing plant of TOTO Group. We regularly have investigated at all the production bases of the Group the status of safety management system, unsafe movements of workers in a plant, or risks of unstable equipment. It resulted in significant improvement of safety in our Group, and helped build a safer environment. Safety and health check was conducted at 10 sites in Japan and 4 sites overseas in FY 2023, and all countermeasures for locations indicted in the Safety Check are now complete as well as we continue to resolve safety issues.
We also clearly identify the hazards and hazards of machinery, equipment, chemical substances, etc. We conduct risk assessments when developing new products, introducing new equipment, and when new work occurs. For items evaluated as having a high risk, we are promoting activities to prevent occupational accidents by taking appropriate risk reduction measures.
At each base, the persons responsible for health and safety and on-site supervisors conduct such daily activities as plant facility inspections before starting operation, daily inspections, fixed-point observations of work and 5S.
In recent years, the Group has been promoting mutual on-site inspection activities between neighboring business sites to further enhance the ability of safety personnel to detect irregularities . On-site inspections and discussions have led to new realizations for both parties.
In addition, we share safety activities, safety rules and precautions in the workplace to prevent work-related accidents with on-site subcontractors in the TOTO Group workplaces. Then we are working together to improve areas where countermeasures have been identified through on-site patrols. Through these activities, we are striving to achieve zero occupational accidents together with all people working at the TOTO Group and partner companies within TOTO Group business sites.
TOTO Group endeavors to maintain and improve a comfortable workplace environment for employees to prevent occupational illnesses. Using measurements from the work environment to identify current conditions, we take actions to counter the source of issues, improve working methods, conduct training in order to establish a management system common to the Business Group and expand our efforts.
TOTO uses stricter management standards than the rest of the world in a day-to-day, ongoing basis. In dusty workplaces, we take measures to eradicate dust itself to eliminate the need for masks, Local Exhaust equipment has been installed and other facility-dependent measures have been taken in an effort to shorten exposure time, while protective equipment such as dust masks are worn in areas that do not respond to these countermeasures in order to prevent impact to the human body.
Workplace which implements dust prevention measures
To avoid irreversible occupational disease (hearing loss),we provide thorough training in use of equipment to contain the source, shortening exposure time, and correct use of ear plugs and other protective wear in locations where countermeasures are difficult to implement.
We make knowledge of SDS common, measure the work environment for organic solvents and specific chemical substances, and implement measures for locations where problems are identified. In addition, risk assessments for chemical substances are advanced in alignment with TOTO Group.
TOTO Group conducts regular in-house safety and health training in a continuous effort to improve safety for site workers and the knowledge of safety personnel.
Main program | Event details |
Hierarchy-based training | Group training is provided to all new employees, new section managers, new department general managers and newly appointed executives. (In 2023, 513 people participated) |
New foreman training | Provided to new foreman (Manufacturing Department) at each location. |
Employment training | Provided to new employees at each location. |
Relocation training | Provided to transfers and employees who change duties. |
Beginner training | Provided for inexperienced workers. |
Follow-up training | Site workers are provided in-house danger experience training. |
Each business site takes the initiative to conduct safety training during National Safety Week in July each year. |
TOTO sponsors the Corporate Safety Campaign and Traffic Safety Classes for employees who use corporate vehicles for sales activities and use cars, motorbikes, and bicycles for commuting under the cooperation of driving schools and the police to improve employee awareness of traffic safety.
TOTO Group aims at zero employment injuries every year as a health and safety goal.
In preparation for work-related accidents, the TOTO Group has established accident reporting rules that specify report details, reporting route, and deadlines. If a work-related accident should occur, we will promptly grasp the situation and implement measures in accordance with the reporting rules. We will also share information about the situation and measures implemented to prevent a recurrence of similar accidents.
The TOTO group's lost time injury frequency rate in FY 2023 was below the national average for manufacturing.
In the event of any accident or event that may cause an employment injury, we will investigate the causes and report the information on labor related risks to all worksites every month, and thoroughly implement recurrence prevention measures to prevent recurrence.
To achieve the goal of zero injuries in the future, the TOTO Group will extensively make efforts to prevent employment injuries.
FY2019 | FY2020 | FY2021 | FY2022 | FY2023 | |
Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate | |||||
TOTO Group employees | 0.19 | 0.16 | 0.28 | 0.21 | 0.19 |
TOTO Group contractors | 0.15 | 0.00 | 0.47 | 0.93 | 0.00 |
Number of work-related fatalities | |||||
TOTO Group employees | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
TOTO Group contractors | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Total number of contractors (no. of personnel) | 3,303 | 3,162 | 3,248 | 3,289 | 3,303 |
The national average for manufacturing industry | 1.20 | 1.21 | 1.31 | 1.25 | 1.29 |
*Two equity-method affiliated companies (Voreto (Xiamen) Plumbing Technology Co., Ltd. and P.T. Surya TOTO Indonesia Tbk. ) that are subject to TOTO Group’s management for safety and health, are included.
*“TOTO Group contractors” cover contractors for the TOTO Group’s overall contractors. Considering the Japanese way of thinking about the Industrial Safety and Health Act, contractors in the areas of company cafeteria, cleaning, and security have been excluded.
Status of occupational illness frequency rate
About Occupational illness frequency rate
As a measure to prevent occupational illnesses, the TOTO Group uses measurements from the work environment to identify current conditions, takes action to counter the source of issues, improves working methods, and conducts training. We also understand the results of special health check-ups conducted in accordance with laws and regulations and establish a management system common to the Business Group and expand our efforts to maintain and improve a comfortable workplace environment for employees.
Occupational illness frequency rate
FY2019 | FY2020 | FY2021 | FY2022 | FY2023 | |
Occupational illness frequency rate | 0.00 | 0.03 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
*Covered employees of the manufacturing and research and development sectors of the whole TOTO Group.*Covers occupational diseases as defined by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare Exception: Heat stroke, burns, back pain, and other sudden illnesses are included in work-related injuries, not occupational illnesses.