The TOTO Group is striving to reduce CO2 emissions in the manufacturing industry by promoting environment-friendly "green factories". As a model factory, the Shin-nishi Building in the Shiga Plant was constructed in 2012 which introduced the latest energy-saving technologies with superior environmental performance. This effort was highly regarded and was awarded the "Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Award for Excellence" in FY2013, the grand prize for energy conservation, by the Energy Conservation Case Studies Department. (Winning theme: Model factory project introducing state-of-the-art energy conservation technologies)
Introduction of a high efficiency, self-regenerating fiber kiln which recovers waste heat, since the kiln consumes the most energy during the manufacturing process of sanitary ware. By recovering waste heat during product cooling, reusing it as combustion air after re-heating, then reusing the waste heat for the chamber, about 71% energy savings is achieved compared to a conventional brick-type firing kiln.
Introduction of a state-of-the-art, high energy-saving performance air conditioning equipment in the molding room where there is a need to keep the temperature and humidity constant throughout the year. There is increased energy and power savings compared to conventional methods by recovering waste heat from cooling and using it for heating, and by individually controlling the air conditioning to match the load conditions.
Adoption of high thermal insulation materials on the roof and outer walls.
The performance of the air conditioning equipment is also maximized by considering layouts, such as placing the area requiring heavy use of air conditioning in the center of the building where it is less susceptible to the influence of outside air.
Introduction of an individual identification bar code management system (which uses a bar code that can withstand high temperatures of up to 1200℃) in the production line. Improved productivity, such as the reduction of stock and inventory task load, is achieved by managing product information in each process for up to 475 items in real time Using this method together with paperless technology, the amount of energy previously required is significantly reduced.
Solar power | Energy saving Low-e glass | High-efficiency lighting and motion sensors |
Installation of 50kW solar power panels on the roof. | This glass is used in all windows of the plant. The summer air-conditioning load is reduced by cutting the solar heat by 60%. | Energy-saving performance is improved by using high-efficiency Hf and LED lighting, as well as motion sensors. |
Sanitary ware scrap recycling | Hydrotect coat (outer wall) |
Sanitary ware waste materials (ceramic scraps) produced by the manufacturing process are pulverized and reused as road paving material for the plant site. This contributes to the promotion of zero waste. | The outer walls are painted with photocatalyst coating that naturally breaks down dirt. This coating also removes air pollutants. |
Energy Management System | Bathrooms equipped with the latest equipment |
Electricity, gas, air, and water usage in each plant is measured and managed for each process. Environmental improvement activities are also leveraged by introducing the BEAMS* energy management system to quantify efficiency. *BEAMS (Building Environment and Energy Advanced Management System) | The common bathrooms have state-of-the-art water-saving equipment that can also be used as a showrooms. |
Location : Asakuni 1, Konan-shi, Shiga-ken
Site Area : 198,300m²
Building : 88,970m²
Start of Operations : 1962
We invite you to see our state-of-the-art environmental technologies through the various activities we are conducting.